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Facebook vs. Website: Which is Best for Small Business?
Branding Resources, SEO, Social Media

Facebook vs. Website: Which is Best for Small Business?

Facebook vs. Website: Which is Best for Small Business?

Small businesses face a critical decision: should they rely solely on Facebook or invest in a dedicated website? In this blog post, we’ll explore the popular question, Facebook vs. Website: Which is best for small business? I’ll examine the pros and cons of both options to help you make the right choice for your business.

Social Media Platforms: Socializing vs. Buying

Before we delve into the specifics of Facebook and websites, it’s important to understand the fundamental difference between social media platforms and websites. Social media, including Facebook, primarily serves as a newsfeed-based platform, where users come to socialize and pass the time. In contrast, search engines like Google are used for learning, problem-solving, finding opportunities, and making purchases.

In essence, users on newsfeed-based social media platforms typically lack commercial intent when browsing, making it less conducive to immediate sales. Instead, think of Facebook as a virtual cocktail party—an excellent place to create awareness about your business.

If you’ve ever tried to learn SEO or read about it, you’ll often hear SEO Professionals reference ‘search intent’. Search Intent is Google’s way of breaking out search results based on Informational, Navigational, Transactional and Commercial inquires. So while you may want to be at the party every day, the transactional value is building a website that answers transactional questions and leads transactional search to purchase from you.

Facebook Business Page: Pros and Cons


  • Quick, easy, and free to set up.
  • Access to nearly 3 billion active users worldwide.
  • A platform for creating engaging content and building brand awareness.


  • Limited Reach: Facebook often restricts the visibility of your business posts in users’ newsfeeds. Recent research suggests that only about 1% of your followers may see your posts organically.
  • Paid Advertising: To increase your reach on Facebook, you’ll need to invest in paid advertising.
  • Social Metrics: Measuring increased brand awareness on Facebook can be challenging, and engagement doesn’t necessarily translate into persuasion, influence or dollars.

Facebook’s Algorithms:

Facebook’s algorithms favor advertising, and organic reach is intentionally throttled to prevent users from seeing only business messages.

Facebook vs. Website in Google Search |  Facebook vs. Website: Which is Best for Small Business?

While Facebook is a high-ranking domain and can rank well in Google results, Google typically displays only one search snippet for your Facebook page. In contrast, a business website can optimize multiple pages for search results, offering more visibility.

Business Website: Pros and Cons

Facebook vs. Website: Which is Best for Small Business?


  • Full control over content, design, and branding.
  • Ideal for building credibility, trust, and relationships.
  • Highly effective for driving conversions and sales.
  • Versatile for various marketing strategies, such as content marketing, product comparisons, and lead generation.


  • Requires initial time and effort for setup and content creation.
  • May involve some ongoing costs, including domain and hosting fees.
  • Maintenance and updates are necessary to ensure optimal performance.

SEO |  Facebook vs. Website: Which is Best for Small Business?

SEO Tools for the DIY have come along way. If you are committed, have the time and desire, you can optimize your website using a variety of plugins. For Beginners, we recommend YOAST. If you have a bit more experience, there are several advanced options to help you rank your blog or website.

SEMRUSH & AHREFS are professional level tools and come with a pricetag that is only valuable if you have a solid understanding of SEO and can use the software(s) as intended.

You can also look at small business friendly SEO programs like SEOPressor (full review here)

Optimizing a website for SEO is essential for online visibility. The good news is that platforms like WordPress make SEO easy, especially with plugins like SEOPressor . This plugin simplifies technical SEO tasks and provides recommendations for improvement, all within the WordPress editor.

SEOPressor also allows you to add schema markup to your web pages, enhancing your content’s visibility in search results.

Boosting Credibility and Conversions |  Facebook vs. Website: Which is Best for Small Business?

A business website offers opportunities to enhance credibility and drive conversions:

  • Professionalism: A well-designed website instills professionalism and trust in potential customers.
  • Information: Websites provide essential information that customers seek, including licensing details and contact information.
  • Content Marketing: You can create content that guides customers on product usage and comparisons, boosting sales.
  • Lead Generation: Websites facilitate email collection for marketing campaigns, which boast a high ROI.

Small Business Budgets

For small businesses on a tight budget, creating and maintaining a website can be cost-effective. Costs may include:

  • Website Design: Affordable themes are available for platforms like WordPress. Look for a well reviewed theme like AVADA (you can read a detailed review here or a detailed review of the top 5 here).
  • Domain Name: Choose from various pricing plans for domain names.
  • Web Hosting: Options range from monthly to annual plans, with competitive pricing. If you are on a budget, companies like Bluehost, Godaddy and SiteGround all offer economical packages. If you can afford a bit more and really want to optimize your speed and score with Google, we recommend a hosting company like Liquid Web.
  • Plugins: Premium plugins offer extended functionality and support. There are many on the market, research what you’re using as using the wrong ones can have a detrimental result.
  • Marketing Tools: Tools like Content At Scale, Metricool and Jungle Scout for Amazon Sellers can assist you in taking your business to the next level. Most companies offer a free trial, make sure you take advantage so you can test the software and see if there is value for you.


While websites are crucial for most businesses, some exceptions exist. For instance, businesses with a single, specific goal, like food trucks announcing daily locations on Twitter, might not require a website. However, even such businesses can benefit from a Google Business Profile to expand their online presence.

Bonus Tips for Small Businesses

  1. Use Google’s Local Services Ads: If you have a service-based business without a website, leverage Google’s Local Services Ads to generate leads while setting up your site.
  2. Optimize Your Google Business Profile: Make the most of your Google Business Profile to enhance your local online presence.
  3. Leverage Google Reviews: Use customer reviews to improve your SEO and attract more prospects.
  4. Explore Meta’s Marketing Products: If you plan to run marketing campaigns on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, Meta’s academy offers valuable resources.

 Facebook vs. Website: Which is Best for Small Business?

In conclusion, while Facebook can help build brand awareness, an SEO-optimized website, along with a Google Business Profile, is a critical success factor for most small businesses. It allows you to target relevant search terms, rank higher in search results, and attract qualified traffic. So, consider investing in a website to ensure your business’s online growth and longevity. We offer a small business accelerator packaged designed to cover your website design, hosting, maintenance and support for the 1st year with an affordable price tag that works for most small businesses. Check out the package or contact me directly to discuss your particular needs.


Emotional Blueprint Branding Strategy: Lasting Impressions (

Visual Consistency in Branding: From Website to Marketing (

Emotional Blueprint Branding Strategy: Lasting Impressions
Branding Resources

Emotional Blueprint Branding Strategy: Lasting Impressions

The Emotional Blueprint Branding Strategy: Crafting Lasting Impressions Through Gifts and Memorable Experiences

Hey there, fellow brand enthusiasts! It’s not every day that we get to dive into the nitty-gritty of crafting a branding strategy that not only captures hearts but also leaves an indelible mark on your clients’ memories. With over two decades of experience in the branding realm, I’ve seen trends come and go, but one thing remains constant: Emotional Blueprint Branding Strategy: Lasting Impressions is the power of emotion. In this article, we’re going to delve into the enchanting world of the “Emotional Blueprint Branding Strategy” and discover how incorporating gifts and memorable experiences can turn your clients into brand advocates without the need for begging for Google reviews.

The Foundation: Emotions and Branding

The Heart of the Matter

When we talk about branding, it’s not just about colors, logos, and taglines. It’s about forging connections that run deeper than the surface. Human beings are emotional creatures, and the brands that tap into these emotions are the ones that truly thrive.

The Emotional Blueprint

Your brand’s emotional blueprint is essentially the DNA of the feelings you want associated with your business. Whether it’s trust, excitement, or nostalgia, these emotions lay the groundwork for every interaction your clients have with your brand.

We are experts in designing a brand that speaks to your client. Strategies include personal items ( homemade candles from the owner whose side passion is organic material candles) with personalized notes, plants in personalized planters that leave a lasting impression, signature behavior’s like asking the client if they would like a coffee or tea on the way to their home for a quote. These are just some of the ideas we have utilized with our clients to ensure their client is getting a personal experience.

Gifts: Unwrapping Delight

Thoughtful Gestures

Remember that feeling when you received an unexpected gift? That’s the magic we want to recreate for our clients. Thoughtful gifts show that you care about them as individuals, not just as customers. Here’s how to incorporate them into your branding strategy:

Personalization is Key

  • Create personalized gifts that reflect your clients’ preferences or milestones. A birthday card or a congratulatory token can go a long way in making them feel valued.
  • Use data to your advantage. If you know a client’s favorite coffee blend, surprising them with a bag will surely make their day.

Timing is Everything

  • Send gifts during unexpected moments, not just during traditional holidays. This element of surprise enhances the emotional impact.
  • Consider sending gifts after a major project is completed or to celebrate the anniversary of your partnership.

Quality Over Quantity

  • The gifts don’t need to be extravagant. What matters is the thought and effort put into selecting them.
  • High-quality, well-crafted gifts showcase your brand’s commitment to excellence.

Memorable Experiences: Crafting Lasting Bonds

Creating Lasting Memories

Memories are like treasure troves of emotions waiting to be revisited. By curating memorable experiences, you’re not just offering a service; you’re providing an opportunity for your clients to create cherished memories associated with your brand.

Experiential Opportunities

  • Organize workshops, events, or webinars related to your industry. These gatherings offer valuable insights while fostering a sense of community.
  • Consider exclusive behind-the-scenes tours of your workspace or manufacturing facilities. It adds a layer of transparency to your brand.

Going the Extra Mile

  • Offer surprise upgrades or add-ons to your services. This unexpected generosity creates a “Wow!” factor that clients won’t easily forget.
  • If feasible, host client appreciation dinners or outings. The informal setting allows for genuine connections to form.

Encourage User-Generated Content

  • Design experiences that encourage clients to share their moments on social media. This not only boosts your online presence but also showcases real, positive interactions with your brand.

Creating the Advocacy Ripple Effect

From Clients to Advocates

With the Emotional Blueprint Branding Strategy, you’re not just acquiring clients; you’re cultivating advocates. These advocates willingly champion your brand because they’ve experienced its essence on a profound level.

The Power of Organic Reviews

Stop begging for reviews. The bottom line, if you are taking the care, time and effort to create a ‘wow’ effect, you will not have to ask. People are natural talkers, they want to share experiences. MAKE the experience sharable. Stop begging for reviews, you are missing the point!.

  • When clients are emotionally invested, they become natural storytellers. Their testimonials and reviews will reflect their genuine satisfaction.
  • These organic reviews are more impactful than solicited Google reviews, as they come from a place of authenticity.

Word-of-Mouth Amplification

  • Satisfied clients who have experienced memorable moments or received thoughtful gifts are more likely to talk about your brand to friends, family, and colleagues.
  • Word-of-mouth referrals stemming from genuine emotional connections hold a higher conversion rate.


Remember that the Emotional Blueprint Branding Strategy isn’t just a theory; it’s a potent tool honed by years of understanding human emotions. By integrating gifts and crafting memorable experiences, you’re weaving an emotional tapestry that transforms clients into impassioned advocates. As we journey through this dynamic world of branding, let’s embrace the magic of emotions and watch as our brands leave lasting impressions that go beyond mere transactions. Here’s to creating emotional blueprints that stand the test of time!

And that’s a wrap on this article! If you’re as passionate about branding as I am, stay tuned for more insights and strategies from my two decades of experience. Until next time, keep branding with heart!

Branding Resources

Visual Consistency in Branding: From Website to Marketing

Visual Consistency in Branding: From Website to Marketing

In the ever-expanding digital landscape, standing out is a challenge every brand faces. One of the key weapons in your branding arsenal is “Consistent visuals across branding.” This might sound like marketing jargon, but it’s essentially the magic recipe that turns a bunch of design elements into a recognizable and unforgettable brand identity. So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of how maintaining consistent visuals across your branding, from your website to marketing materials, can transform your brand’s presence and resonate with your audience.

Why Consistency Matters

Colour Palette: Your Brand’s Signature Hues

Have you ever recognized a brand just by its colors? That’s the power of a well-defined color palette. It’s like your brand’s unique fingerprint. When you use the same set of colors across all your materials, from your website to social media posts, it’s like imprinting your brand’s identity in the minds of your audience. They see those colors and immediately think of you. If you struggle with colour, contact us and we’ll help you pick the perfect color scheme that echoes your brand’s personality.

Typography: Let Your Words Speak with Style

Fonts might seem like a tiny detail, but they play a significant role in branding consistency. Using a consistent set of fonts across your brand’s materials creates a sense of cohesiveness. Imagine if you saw the Coca-Cola logo written in a fancy script on one advertisement and in block letters on another – it just wouldn’t feel right. So, keep your fonts consistent, making your written content easily recognizable.

Logo Usage: The Emblem of Your Identity

Your logo is the heart of your brand’s visuals. It’s what people remember and associate with your business. Keeping your logo consistent in terms of color, proportions, and orientation ensures that it remains etched in the minds of your audience. Think of it as your brand’s visual ambassador. At Everything Digital Web Design Inc., we understand the logo’s significance and how to integrate it seamlessly into your branding materials.

Imagery and Graphics: A Picture Speaks Volumes

A picture is worth a thousand words, and when it comes to branding, this couldn’t be truer. Using a consistent visual style for images and graphics across your materials enhances recognition. Whether it’s the photography you use or the illustrations that adorn your website, maintaining a cohesive approach enhances your brand’s identity. Everything Digital Web Design Inc. excels at creating a visual language that tells your brand’s story and creates an emotional connection with your clients.

Layout and Design Elements: Arranging for Impact

Consistency doesn’t just stop at colors and fonts. It extends to how you arrange design elements. Having a consistent layout for headers, footers, spacing, and alignment brings a sense of professionalism to your brand. It’s like tidying up your digital storefront – everything is in its rightful place. At Everything Digital Web Design Inc., we know how to arrange those elements for maximum impact.

Messaging Tone and Voice: Speak Like You Mean It

Though not visual in the traditional sense, the way you communicate your brand’s message is part of the consistency puzzle. Your tone and voice create a personality that your audience can connect with. Whether you’re serious, playful, or informative, maintaining a consistent style ensures that your audience knows exactly who’s talking to them. Everything Digital Web Design Inc. can help you craft a voice that resonates with your target audience.

Responsive Design: Looking Good Everywhere

In a world where screens come in all shapes and sizes, your brand’s visuals need to look good on any device. This is where responsive design comes into play. Your website, for example, should maintain its visual integrity whether it’s being viewed on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. Everything Digital Web Design Inc. specializes in creating designs that adapt seamlessly across devices, ensuring your brand shines no matter how it’s accessed.

Marketing Collateral: Spreading the Visual Love

Consistent visuals aren’t limited to your website alone. They should extend to all your marketing collateral. Whether it’s brochures, advertisements, or social media posts, aligning visuals and messaging with your established brand identity reinforces recognition and trust. We can assist you in crafting marketing materials that stay true to your brand’s visuals and message.

Guidelines and Style Guides: Your Brand Bible

Creating a comprehensive brand guideline or style guide might sound like a daunting task, but it’s your brand’s North Star. This document outlines the rules for using visuals consistently. From colors and fonts to logo usage and image guidelines, it’s a reference point that ensures everyone involved in creating content for your brand is on the same page. We can help you create a guideline that keeps your brand’s visuals on track.

Regular Review: Growing with Consistency

As your brand evolves, so might your visual identity. Periodically reviewing your visuals ensures they align with your current brand identity. This could mean making subtle adjustments to keep things consistent or even refreshing your visuals while maintaining your core identity. Everything Digital Web Design Inc. stays by your side, helping your brand evolve while staying true to its roots.

Conclusion: Crafting a Visual Symphony for Your Brand

Consistent visuals across branding are like the harmony in a symphony. Every note, every instrument has its role to play, and together they create something beautiful and unforgettable. From colors and typography to logos and imagery, maintaining consistency across all touchpoints fosters recognition, trust, and loyalty. So, if you’re ready to transform your brand’s presence through visual consistency, Everything Digital Web Design Inc. is your partner in this exciting journey.

Don’t let your brand’s visuals be a hit-or-miss game. Transform them into a powerhouse of recognition and trust with the experts at Everything Digital Web Design Inc. Contact us today to embark on a journey of visual consistency that will leave a lasting mark on your audience’s minds. Your brand deserves nothing less!


Dominating SEO: Unleash Your Website’s Full Potential

Dominating SEO: Unleash Your Website’s Full Potential

In today’s digital landscape, where online presence can make or break a business, mastering Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is no longer a choice; it’s a necessity, and NO, SEO is not dead. In fact, SEO is the only thing you control as a business. It is the only aspect that you can ensure will continue to work for you. Dominating SEO. Unleash your website’s full potential is critical. Search engine algorithms are evolving at lightning speed, making it imperative for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of advanced SEO tactics, with a focus on the power of long-tail keywords. As a branding and web design expert with over two decades of experience, I’ve seen the transformational impact that advanced SEO strategies can have on a website’s performance. So, let’s dive in and unlock the full potential of your website’s Your Website’s Full Potential.

Understanding Advanced SEO Tactics

When it comes to SEO, moving beyond the basics is the key to standing out in the crowded online arena. Advanced SEO tactics involve a deeper understanding of search engine algorithms, user behavior, and emerging trends. At the heart of these strategies lies the concept of long-tail keywords, which can catapult your website’s visibility and engagement to new heights.

Long-Tail Keywords: The Cornerstone of Advanced SEO

Long-tail keywords are the unsung heroes of SEO. These are longer, more specific keyword phrases that target a niche audience. Imagine you’re a local bakery. While a basic keyword might be “bakery,” a long-tail keyword could be “gluten-free cupcakes in [your city].” These phrases may have lower search volume, but they often have higher conversion rates due to their specific nature. For instance, one of our clients, a boutique bookstore, saw a remarkable 30% increase in conversions after optimizing for long-tail keywords related to their unique book collection.

Comprehensive Keyword Research

Before you start optimizing for long-tail keywords, comprehensive keyword research is a must. Utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify relevant long-tail keywords within your niche. Analyze their search volume, competition, and trends to make informed decisions. Additionally, keep an eye out for emerging trends and evergreen long-tail keywords that maintain relevance over time. This research phase serves as the foundation of your SEO strategy.

On-Page Optimization for Long-Tail Keywords

Now that you have your long-tail keywords, it’s time to create compelling, user-focused content around them. Craft blog posts, product descriptions, or landing pages that address the specific needs of your target audience. Incorporate long-tail keywords naturally into your titles, headings, and meta descriptions. As a personal anecdote, a client in the eco-friendly fashion industry saw a 25% increase in organic traffic after optimizing their product pages for eco-conscious keywords.

Building Authority Through Content

Long-tail keyword optimization doesn’t end with on-page content. To truly dominate SEO, focus on creating authoritative content that establishes your expertise in your field. Dive deep into niche topics, providing valuable insights that can’t be found elsewhere. Remember, quality is paramount; the days of shallow, keyword-stuffed articles are long gone. I’ve seen firsthand how a well-researched, multimedia-rich blog post not only attracted more backlinks but also elevated a client’s website to a coveted position on the first page of search results.

Technical SEO for Long-Tail Success

Your website’s technical aspects play a crucial role in advanced SEO. Optimizing site speed and ensuring mobile-friendliness are paramount. Implement schema markup to enhance your website’s appearance in search results, making it more visually appealing and informative. Additionally, address crawl errors and broken links promptly to provide a seamless user experience. One client’s website, plagued by slow loading times, experienced a 40% reduction in bounce rates after implementing technical optimizations.

User Experience and Dwell Time

In the eyes of search engines, user experience (UX) is a major ranking factor. Websites that provide a smooth, engaging experience tend to rank higher. Ensure your website’s navigation is intuitive, and your content is easy to read. This not only improves your SEO but also keeps visitors on your site longer. Dwell time, the amount of time a user spends on a page, is an indicator of content quality. By improving UX and dwell time, one of our e-commerce clients witnessed a remarkable 15% increase in organic search traffic.

Local SEO and Long-Tail Keywords

For businesses with a local presence, combining long-tail keywords with local SEO is a game-changer. Tailor your long-tail keywords to include location-specific terms. Utilize Google My Business to appear in local search results and encourage customer reviews, which can significantly impact local search rankings. A client running a small cafĂ© saw foot traffic double after optimizing for long-tail keywords like “organic coffee shop in [neighborhood].”

Monitoring, Analyzing, and Adapting

As a seasoned expert, I can’t stress enough the importance of continuous monitoring and analysis. Tools like Google Analytics and Search Console provide valuable insights into your website’s performance. Monitor keyword rankings, organic traffic, and user behavior patterns. Are certain long-tail keywords driving more conversions? Is there a sudden drop in traffic for a particular page? Use these insights to make data-driven adjustments, fine-tuning your long-tail keyword strategies for optimal results.

Staying Ahead in the SEO Game

SEO is a dynamic field, with algorithms and trends constantly evolving. To stay ahead, keep yourself updated on algorithm changes and industry trends. Experiment with new variations of long-tail keywords, adjusting your strategy as user behavior shifts. Furthermore, embrace the synergy between content marketing and advanced SEO. Regularly publish high-quality, relevant content that resonates with your target audience and showcases your expertise.


In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, mastering advanced tactics and harnessing the power of long-tail keywords can significantly impact your website’s visibility, traffic, and ultimately, your bottom line. As someone who has witnessed the transformative effects of these strategies over my extensive career, I encourage you to dive headfirst into the world of advanced SEO. By implementing comprehensive keyword research, on-page optimization, content authority building, technical enhancements, and local SEO tactics, you’ll be well on your way to dominating search engine rankings and unleashing your website’s full potential.

We offer advanced SEO for corporate clients as well as SEO Consultations for small businesses who are interested in learning how to do it themselves. Please contact Angelique with an overview of your business, goals and current situation or check out our current business packages here.

If you are looking for a plugin for SEO, Yoast used to be our #1 recommendation, having said that we are now recommending more comprehensive (while easy to use) tools like SEO Presser and All in One SEO

AI, Branding Resources, Business Workbooks, Clients, Company, Copywriting Workbooks, Free Canva Template, Technology


As a champion of small business, creating our small business accelerator in 2020 as well as continuing with our self paced online learning center, we know the value of tools that will maximize your productivity and giving you an edge against any competitor.

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  • It offers everything the larger programs do and is continuously adding items.
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Branding Resources, Business Workbooks, Copywriting Workbooks

Why Is Branding Important

Branding: The Key to Business Success Branding is the act of creating a unique identity for your business that sets it apart from competitors.

It includes everything from your company’s name, logo, slogan, and colors, to the way you interact with customers. In short, branding is about how people perceive your business. Branding has been around for centuries but became more popular in the early 1900s when industrialization led to mass production and competition. With so many similar products flooding the market, companies had to differentiate themselves to stay relevant. Thus, branding was born.

Branding is more than just a logo or catchy slogan.

It builds recognition and loyalty, sets you apart from competitors, establishes brand value, and contributes to long-term business success. First, branding creates a unique identity that makes the business more memorable. It establishes trust and credibility with potential customers, encouraging them to return and promote the business to others. A consistent brand identity makes it easier for people to recognize and remember your business, which fosters customer loyalty.

Second, branding distinguishes a product from its substitutes and helps increase market share and sales.

A strong brand will differentiate itself from similar products, making it more appealing to customers. By creating a unique value proposition, a brand can become the preferred choice for a particular audience.

Third, branding helps create a positive brand image, increasing brand awareness and recognition. It increases the perceived value of a product or service, making it more desirable to potential customers. A strong brand image can also increase customer loyalty, leading to repeat business and referrals.

Finally, branding contributes to long-term business success by enhancing customer retention and acquisition. It helps generate referrals and recommendations from satisfied customers. A consistent and continuous branding strategy can provide a foundation for future business growth and expansion.

Branding is essential for businesses of all sizes. It builds recognition and loyalty, sets you apart from competitors, establishes brand value, and contributes to long-term business success. The future implications of branding are significant, and it is essential to invest in a strong branding strategy to stay competitive in the market.

If you’re struggling with your messaging and brand, send us a message, we’ll provide a 30 minute free consultation along with a complimentary Social Media Audit to get you headed in the right direction!

Schedule your call

Branding Resources

Free Resource | Branding Workbook

Branding is EVERYTHING and it starts with strategically planning what you want from your business, what your clients need, and how to develop your brand and business to answer those needs successfully, clearly, and consistently.

If you’re starting your first business (or your third!), take the time to work through this detailed branding workbook, trust me – the clarity you will gain will be invaluable.

Download the workbook and get started! If you need help with your branding, I’m happy to chat. If you simply need support, follow us on YouTube for free support videos and assistance!